Professor Walker was a renowned and respected surgeon, academic and researcher who made inspiring contributions to the Australian and New Zealand Society for Vascular Surgery, University of Queensland and the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. He died aged 57 in 2014, whilst Professor of Surgery and Head of Surgery, University of Queensland.
Prof Walker was an avid supporter of medical students, committed to their education and a mentor to many; his interest and focus continues in his legacy with the development of the Prof Walker Fund, supported by his bequest.
Vascular Foundation offers grants to medical students to attend the annual ANZSVS meeting. The amount of up to $1000 can be used for travel expenses, accommodation and registration costs for the meeting. Up to 10 scholarships will be supported annually in Australia and New Zealand, with preference given to students who are presenting a scientific study at the ANZSVS meeting.
Applications for the Professor Walker Scholarship are now open and will close on 16 August 2024. Application and Conditions are available below: