The Australian and New Zealand Society for Vascular Surgery is the peak vascular surgery organisation in Australia and New Zealand.
The objectives of the Society are to:
- To establish and maintain appropriate programs of continuing education and professional development in all aspects of vascular surgery.
- To organise and conduct scientific programmes relating to vascular surgery at the Annual Scientific Meetings of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) and on such other occasions as may be decided upon from time to time.
- To improve the quality and practice of vascular surgery.
- To promote and represent the professional development and interests of vascular surgeons, and to represent vascular surgeons on medico-political and industrial issues.
- To encourage basic and clinical research in vascular surgery.
- To encourage publication of scientific work and research in vascular surgery.
- To provide a forum for the presentation of scientific and clinical subjects in vascular surgery.
- To facilitate and regulate the training of vascular surgeons in Australia and New Zealand.
- To assist in the development of vascular surgery in the region and to encourage international collaboration in vascular surgery, currently as the Australian and New Zealand Chapter of the ISCVS, particularly through meeting with other chapters of the ISCVS at the biennial International Congress.
- To advise the Council of the RACS on matters relating to vascular surgery generally, and on all matters in any way affecting the interests of vascular surgery and surgeons in Australia and New Zealand.
- To encourage and affiliate the regional vascular societies in Australia and New Zealand.